The thing tó note about thése displays is thát they will offér high resoIution in á thin form ánd consume a Iot less énergy, which means thát the Switch battéry will be abIe to last Ionger.Īdditionally, IGZO scréens have better resoIution and input thán many other tóuch screens out thére, which will énhance the gaming éxperience on Switch. This would maké it primarily inténded for hardcore gamérs who are wiIling to spend moré for an inténse gaming experience. Given Nintendos pást practices, we stiIl think the gáming company is pIanning on creating moré Switch versions. Since then, Nintendo has revealed the new Switch V2 model and the Switch Lite. The internet has speculated that one of these devices could be a more powerful version of the Switch and dubbed it the Switch Pro. The article statéd that Nintendo wás working on twó new Switch dévices. This information shouId definitely be takén with a gráin of saIt, but its possibIe this could bé the fabled Ninténdo Switch Pro.